Wednesday 29 June 2011

Pom into Wreath, I hope!

Months and months ago I fell in love with a project that a friend of mine Christy from Lovely Little Nest made for her sweet baby Harper. Isn't it just the loveliest pom pom?!

I just used my spare paper lantern on making an "artichoke lantern" for a friend of mine. Have you seen these? 
My friend Claire sent me this photo and said "could you make one for me?" 

I do have a Styrofoam ring  from one of my book wreaths 
Not mine, but you get the idea. This was the actual wreath that inspired me though :)
SO! HERE GOES NOTHIN'! I'm going to attempt combining the two techniques.
Pale yellow cotton, my glue gun, scissors and wreath ring! 
Check ya in a bit! 


  1. oooooo - i want to make one too! looking forward to seeing yours - love them! xx

  2. I worked on this wreath for about 3-4 hours yesterday and have completed maybe...15%! It's waaaay more work that I thought it would be but it's looking pretty!

  3. I'm still working on this wreath! It is a mammoth project! Who knew?!


whatcha thinkin' love?

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