Friday, 18 March 2011

New Venture!

I shouldn't actually be writing right now, I SHOULD be in the shower! Naughty! My life just got very busy!
I started emailing someone from this new fab Wonder Emporium. It is vintage fabulousness!
After a few emails I'm all of a sudden setting up a unit!!!! I was hard at work painting yesterday with the smallest paintbrush! It was a real ratbag, but I got it done.

Today I'm shadowing a carer at the nursing home Mr Woo works for as I'll be a temporary carer to cover someone's brief absence. Eeeeeek! When it rains it pours!
PLUS I've just sent off a job application for something I'd love to do along with own little business which is coming into it's busiest time! My mom is going to burst because she's been praying hard for some doors to open for me. Here we go Mom the doors, and a lot of em, have just flung wiiiiide open! Woo Hoo!

If you're even NEAR Chester on Saturday please come over and check out the incredible Becniks Wonder Emporium!

I'm going to go behave now and get ready!
Later Gators!


  1. OOooooo, how exciting! I wished I lived closer, you sound like you are living a dream, something for me to aspire to. Good Luck Mrs Woo x x

  2. YAY! Go you *woooooooooooooohoooooooooooo*


whatcha thinkin' love?

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