Saturday, 26 March 2011

KitchenAid Mixer

I always ALWAYS wanted a kitchenaid mixer. My brother-in-law & auntie-in-law gave me one as a wedding present! It was the best wedding gift EVER! I heart my mixer. I use it every time I bake. Which is pretty often :) Thanks Laurie & Mel! Laurie has sampled quite a few of the cakes mixed in my sweet kitchenaid!
I just like it sitting there on my counter top looking good. But this is one dusty ole flat. So I'm wondering if I should maybe make a cover.
This one is just gorgeous!

Homemade by Jill 
 Well, Jill made a gorgeous cover, she used a tutorial from

Check this out! Vinyl Decals for your KitchenAid Mixer!
 Sarah of the blog A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That has made her own version and has even given us a free graphic to download!
Wow! Here's a serious creative customization from Phantome on Crafster.
and just 'cause....

he must reeeeally love his kitchenaid!


  1. i love my kitchen aid too. Love the decorated ones - never seen before. but i wouldn't get a tattoo of it.....ha ha. xx

  2. The tattoo is taking it a bit far! But I am impressed by the quality of the tattoo.
    I am so bummed that I didn't win your Royal Wedding Book! I was so gonna make the corgis! I shall have to hunt a copy down! What a great giveaway!

  3. Dearie,
    I love my kitchenaide too. We got ours as a wedding gift as well. I remember taking home ec in high school and I fell hard for their kitchenaide and cuisinart. I think you could make the cutest cover. You have such great taste.
    love love love,
    p.s. Bono B. sends his love.

  4. I love it and thankful of you for sharing with us.
    kitchenaid artisan blender


whatcha thinkin' love?

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