Monday, 21 March 2011

My Creation Has Become Someone Else's!

Claire Penn's gorgeous photo of my Button Bouquet!
I feel so honoured! I met the lovely Claire and a friend at the Becniks grand opening! Clair purchased this sweet little vintage button bouquet and doily and we discussed wedding photo shoots and vintage.
Claire said I'd be seeing it again - and just look at how gorgeous she's made it look!
If you love it as much as I do you can get your own print from Claire's etsy shop along with other beautiful photographs.

Thank you Claire! It's beautiful!


  1. Dearie,
    I love this. YOU are so very talented.

  2. so lovely! x
    a friend had something a bit like this for a wedding beauquet. xx

  3. Aaaw you're welcome - thank YOU for sharing this and for making such a beautiful piece in the first place!! :)

  4. I love the button bouquet!!

    Check my blog- you won an award! :)


whatcha thinkin' love?

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