Monday, 7 March 2011

Pretty Printable Recipe Card Roundup!

I love keeping good recipes. I don't like just printing them off, I prefer to hand write them. I have this great little binder from Paperchase.
That's not my exact one, but you get the idea. Cute huh?! It has refills for all the pages, I love it and am ready for my second set of refills! I hope to keep collecting recipes for years to come and one day pass it down to someone else who loves to cook. I don't know if they still do it, but Anthropolgie used to do a recipe book too.

Tipnut has put together a collection of sweet recipe cards you can print out & keep or give. I went to a bridal shower once where everyone was asked to bring their favorite recipe. I thought that was a great idea! Here are a few of my favorites from Tipnut's list of 30!

Retro Recipe Cards for Bakers by My Girl Thursday

Mamie at Avie Designs has made a lovely recipe card that will fit the Anthropologie book!

Cute report card a la Paper Crave!!! 

Brown Paper Bag Recipe Card by Jackie Hernandez 
I have such a soft spot for brown paper *sigh*. Great job Jackie!

Which one will you use?


  1. oh totally digging these recipe cards! I don't know which one I'd go with.. It's making me want to go to etsy right now though and spend some time looking at hundreds of options! Love the brown paper bag ones and the recipe book like yours. I like handwritten recipes too :)
    Pepper x

  2. Your style of presentation is very impressive. This recipes sounds fabulous too. It's actually pretty darn simple. Thanks for all your positive comments. Thanks a lot...


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