Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Trader Woos.

I like trading. A lot.
I used to trade graphic design work for getting my hair did by the most talented stylist in Charleston.

Now, thanks to Etsy I get to trade treasures for treasures all over the world!

Wanna see my most recent trades?!

Copper & Turquoise Acorn Necklace by Custom Vintage

Mint In My Champagne Chandelier Earrings by Leeya

Sweet Little Customized Pouch by Lucinda Ramsay

The Fisherman's Dream Charm Bracelet by my fave trader Katia of The Hen's Army!

Hip! Hip! Hooray for Trades!


  1. That acorn is lovely. Well, they're all lovely, but my favourite is the acorn :)

  2. I too LOVE the acron necklace. My question is what do you trade for the items? That's why I am afraid to get into trading, I'm not sure I have anything to trade!

  3. Oh, yayyy! The acorn necklace is my fave, but you got a lot of great stuff!!

  4. hi!!! ciao friend! you know i have traded the acorn too!!! life is so strage! we never know each other but have so many things to share!! same acorn, same cup, same turquoise color! wow!

  5. Courtney - I trade for stuff in my Etsy shop or for buttons! I'm not even kidding! buttons! You just have to find out what people are looking for!

    The acorn is a fave! I can't wait til it gets here!
    I dunno Katia, we must be long lost sisters! We have such similar taste!


whatcha thinkin' love?

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