Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Fun soft cuddles from Sweet Tidings!

Just a quick reminder that it's getting closer to my necklace giveaway at Christy's adorable blog Sweet Tidings!

{look! it's my cuddly heart!}


  1. I've been wondering, how did you get involved with Sweet Tidings in the first place? I bet it's nice to be featured :)

  2. Christy from Sweet Tidings put a request out on her blog for people interested in being sponsors of her blog giveaways! For taking part she's given us 3 months free advertising, a feature & lots of attention! It is wonderful, I feel special!

  3. Thanks for the mention. Yay me!!!! I think i might have to pick up some of your hearts soon. I think you can never have too many brooches. Well cute soft ones, that is.

  4. Yay ricebabies and your cute self! Those cashmere hearts would be a BIG brooch! I have made them into ornaments but I'd love to make brooches from them for you! You could have one huge brooch or I could probably get 2 smaller ones out of one big'un. Your wish is my command!


whatcha thinkin' love?

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