Monday, 26 October 2009

What Inspires You?

I was just reading Leandra Holder's facebook page. She lists some of her inspirations...I began thinking..."What are my inspirations?"...
There are lots of things that I like and I allow them to inspire me? Hmm.
I think if I'm really honest with myself the answer would be "no". I find it quite hard to let go of my to-do lists and allow creativity to flow.
Some of us might be surrounded by the things which inspire us - family, friends, the ocean, nature, art, music, books. Some of us might have to try harder to seek out things which inspire.

Here are somethings that have inspired me

I would love to know what inspires you


  1. I love kids books, I can always find inspiration in well Illustrated childerns books. I alos let color and textures led me around sometimes. =)

    Oh, and you are inspiring, I like visiting your blog.

  2. Good question :) I guess with me it's other crafters, things out and about, things I see in movies etc. Anything that I find myself looking at and feeling excited about, but not quite sure why! Also, very drawn to colours and textures like ricebabies.

  3. hi dear friend! did these pictures inspire u for some cards for me?

  4. Hello :)
    Well I like that question... I'm going to say that currently "people I would least expect" have been inspiring me. And nesting in this fall weather has been inspiring me. So I suppose neither one of those are really concrete things that I can post a picture about, but you did make me think!

  5. Of course Dear Katia! I have a parcel which shall be on it's way to you today! {hopefully there are no postal strikes today!}

    Thank you for sharing the things that inspire you. This blog has to be one of the best, most life giving things I've ever undertaken. It gives me so much joy to interact with people who I might not have otherwise had the chance to get to know.
    You all inspire me, your blogs inspire me. Bloggin for myself inspires me.
    Thank you Vicky for suggesting doing a blog, I really don't think I would have if you hadn't planted the seed.

    Love. & love.

  6. Color, pattern, texture....LOVE the fabrics and ribbons, etc. SO many awesome textiles right now. (Even though I can't afford most of them right now!) But they still inspire me.

  7. Dear Mrs Woo,
    Oh my, I really really love that name. So cool!
    Mrs Woo, like one of those characters in old detective films:)

    Secondly, I really really love your blog lay out. Especially those floral motifs on each side. So pretty, Mrs Woo. And thank you so much for coming by my blog lately, since I believe we all inspires each other in this beautiful blogsphere. Right?

    Have an inspiring day!




whatcha thinkin' love?

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