Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Workin on my Mommy's invites!

As you'll see it's my Mom's 60th birthday party is quickly approaching! Which invite do you prefer???
 Thanks to The Graphics Fairy for the vintage goodies!




  1. Ooo, I like the first one the best. I think it's 'cos it has a more birthday feel about it. For some reason it makes me think of Cinderella! (it's probably the pink and the stars!)

  2. These are great, I love them both!!! My personal favorite though, is the first one. It feels magical to me, like something really exciting is about to happen!
    Thanks so much for participating in "Brag Monday"!

  3. Both are super cute! The first one looks great for a birthday.

  4. How cute!! I'm voting for the bottom one... Perfect for a December Birthday :)

  5. hi felicia, i love elves, s the bottom is wonderful to me!

  6. I agree, both are cute, but I prefer the bottom more Christmas one! Imagine that. ;)

  7. I like them both but lean towards the second one for some reason!

  8. Well, my mom said she is "leaning towards the more colorful one" I guess that means the elf one? I dunno....I guess should I get an invitation to her party I'll show it to y'all!


whatcha thinkin' love?

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