Sunday, 29 November 2009

So Many Firsts!

I've been given my first Blog Award! I'm so excited!

My first photo in the Chester Chronicle newspaper!!!! Which I will post as soon as I can find the stupid usb cable for the scanner!

AND Monday is our 1st Wedding Anniversary! I can not believe how quickly this year has gone! It seems like we only just had our big day!

Here are a few candid albums of our wedding celebrations...a year ago! Enjoy x

album 1
album 2
album 3

I've just gotten in from my second ever craft fair! It was great! I love meeting other crafters and chatting! A HUGE thank you to Jayne for being my all things crafty mentor! I couldn't be doing the stuff I'm doing today with out your help & support!!!!!


  1. Even Mr Bogert commented earlier that it was your first wedding anniversary tomorrow, so congratulations from the Wishes household! Hope you guys have a great day :)

  2. Congrats on your award! Your blog indeed looks lovely!

  3. Congrats! I hope your anniversary is dreamy romantic. :)

  4. So what pom pom lovliness are you going to make then?

  5. I am loving the idea of a pom pom garland!


whatcha thinkin' love?

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