That is not my biological clock you hear, nor is it a bomb. It's the super sonic countdown to:
- Kelsall Craft Fair {My first craft fair!} - Saturday 21 November!
- Mrs Woo's give away on Sweet Tidings - November 25-December 3
- Mr & Mrs Woo's 1st Anniversary - November 30!
- Mumsie Low's 60th birthday party in America! {Mumsie Low is Mrs Woo's Mommy} - December 12
- Christmas!!!!
Where did I put my Christmas Planner?!
Shall we have a Wizard of Oz costume chill out session.....ready?
Got your fave hot beverage? I'm going to have a hot caramel apple cider from starbucks (in my dreams!) mmmm.......
Chai perhaps? Hot Chocolate with lots of whipped cream or a good ole strong cuppa builder's tea?
Get your Wizard of Oz soundtrack queued up!
Got your ruby slippers on?
Somewhere Over the Rainbow...

This is the best picture of the night! There isn't a full length photo of my as Dorothy I'm afraid!
Thank you Jayne for all of your amazing hand sewing!
Thank you Jayne for all of your amazing hand sewing!
Well, you know what you'll have to do then? You'll just have to get all dressed up again and have a mini photo shoot! You could parade around the house as Dorothy. Any excuse I always say ;D