Saturday, 12 February 2011

Pretty & Practical

Hello friends! I've been doing a lot of work at my Mother-In-Law's house over the past few weeks to help get her house sale ready. I've been bagging and boxing and burning like mad! Too bad there's not a photo of me in my dust mask!
In my free time I've been travelling to Stoke-on-Trent with my Brother-In-Law for his Royal Air Force interviews and exams. Phew! I'm pretty darn tired!

While clearing out I came across a vintage drying rack! It is standing in the bath tub at the moment...drying. I scrubbed it down with sugar soap and old dirt and dark green paint came off in puddles on my kitchen floor, yuck!

I've picked out a gorgeous color to paint it once it has dried.
My fave green. The one I'm using is Japlac "Lovely Olive"  :)

I have trouble getting photos uploaded from my phone to the computer so alas I will just have to show you some gorgeous vintage drying racks I've found online until I can get photos of mine up *sigh* enjoy ~

How futuristic 50s is this one?!

I love this French Beauty even though it looks like a torture device!   

that's the kind that mounted to the wall.

I'll keep you posted on my progress!

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