Sunday, 20 February 2011

Button Bag

This baby is PINK & PROUD OF IT!

vintage buttons & cuuuute apple fabric lining and strap

button bunny tail :)

A custom order, this bag took me ages (two months) to knit! I started to sort of hate it I have to admit, but all was forgiven when I got to sew the buttons on! I can NOT get enough of vintage buttons! I was delighted with the apple fabric too! It's a nice heavy cotton canvas.
I said I'd never make this bag again, but now looking back at the photos I might just give it another go. I do like it, especially the moss stitches on the bottom :)
Maybe I'll just do a tiny one for a little purse. That won't take nearly as long right?! But I must finish Baby George's blanket first!
I'm just about to get showered, put on twin peaks and get knitting! *Knit 3, Purl 3*....

Off I go!


  1. i love moss stitch - the bag is great. have a happy afternoon, joining you with the t.v and knitting today. x

  2. how was your knitting and tv afternoon Miss Ginger?


whatcha thinkin' love?

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