Thursday, 1 July 2010

Car Booty At Long Last!

First of fun freebie! All I had to do was guess what this was...and the lady gave it to me!
It's a "food-pod". A silicone boil in bag steamer thing! I'd just seen it in a specialty shop for £7 or so and I got it for knowing what it was! Woo Hoo!

 Here is my fave spot. Most of the treasures that I keep live here.

Charming owl bookends...I just couldn't part with them!

 1950s poodle dish. It ticked my poodle box & my perfect vintage green box! 

I love my greens! 

Roses & Lavendar from Mumsie Woo's house. 

My £2 1930s Sylvac vase!

Gorgeous vintage tin with green & roses...there are bows on top but they're hard to see.

1930s Czec brooch & mid-century Mother brooch

this 1930s dish was found buried in a long forgotten rubbish tip! 

1960s or 70s Piano Jewellry box, I just need to replace the music box.

Victorian Sterling Silvery Chester Cathedral it for 25p! 

The freakish vintage Scottish "lucky" grouse foot brooch (obviously not luck for the grouse!). It's probably 1950, possibly earlier. 20p paid! It's worth £20 (at least!)!

I've sold some of my other finds so that I can find more treasures! We're going again this Sunday and making a day of it! Mr Woo will even get to come this time!
What do ya think?


  1. what a perfectly lovely collection of things though the food pod thing looks quite alien!! Could it perhaps double up as a lamp?

  2. Lovely treasures :) My favourites have to be the brooches. Good luck with your next car boot trip!

  3. Wow, what amazing treasures! I too love those brooches, but those book ends are fab! Toowit towooooo!!

  4. My mother has one of those piano jewellery boxes...are they worth anything?

  5. The piano jewellery boxes are not worth much, they sell for about £5, but they are just so cute!

  6. Do you know where i can get one of those piano boxes.

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by! There are lots of those piano jewellery boxes on eBay! I just had a look and they range a lot in price and style. Pretty much something for anyone! Good luck!


whatcha thinkin' love?

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