Wednesday, 24 February 2010

My First Non-Scarf Knitting Project! Help!

I have been knitting scarves for....6 years? Since my gorgeous & patient friend Kirsten taught me to cast on & cast off and knit & purl. Then I moved to Scotland....and I never progressed from there! I've just never attempted anything else! Lately I have been attempting moss stitch and single rib...but it's all gone wrong. But don't worry! I haven't given up yet! How can I when I could be making this kind of wonderfulness?!
 I've attempted crotchet. That's all I have to say about that. I want to be great and whip up beautiful creations in no time, but it doesn't exactly come naturally and I'm not an enthusiastic practice-makes-perfect-er. But I won't give up on that yet either. I PROMISE! I have too many fantasies of creating gorgeous things from vintage patterns....sigh.

Well. I'm breaking out of my scarf rut. I've been inspired by one of Mrs Cooke's blankets that Jayne rescued on our dumpster dive....I've decided to make a patch work blanket. I'm knitting 5 x 5in squares to make up the blanket. It's getting really old fast as I only know 2 stitches! So far I have 4 patches done! It is a labor of love! 
{not my blanket, but this is the idea}
This is you come in!
I NEED YOUR HELP TO FINISH THIS BLANKET! I would L-O-V-E to have patches from all over the world made by creative hands all over the world to make up my first blanket! Wanna join in?!!!!!!!
Basically the patches need to be 5x5. The type of yarn doesn't matter, something from your scraps bag would be great! So far I'm using earthy tones. I love earthy/natural and jewel colors! I'm imagining chocolate brown, wheat, natural white, plum, all naturally shades of green, spicy yellow, burnt get the idea. Any knit or crotchet stitch is welcome, patchwork and embroidery are also welcome! I would love it if you could put your name or something on the patch somewhere so that I will can remember each person who helped create my blanket.
I would love your help! I'd be honored if you'd take part. If you'd like to, please leave a comment and I'll get back to you with you address and any answers I can give.
Speak soon! x


  1. If I could knit, or cross stitch, I'd totally make a square for you!! But, considering I'm like Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson in Zoolander when they're trying to figure out the computer when it comes to that kind of thing, I'll just have to wait for a pic of your blanket! What a fun project.
    I just noticed your blog background is also form aren't they the best! I scoured the internet last night looking for a good background and thankfully finally found them for something different and non cheese.

  2. Ooo, I may have to see what I can do to help...Can't promise I'll be very speady about it though! xx

  3. oh yes please! as ben always says...."slow and steady wins the race"...i guess that applies to very busy people?

  4. Only just saw this (as I'm not really in cyber bloggy land at the moment - I will return) but I'll give a square a shot. Squares I can do, sizing, knowing me, I may have to several incarnations to get right!


whatcha thinkin' love?

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