Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Christmas is only 353 sleeps away!

Juuuuuuuusssssssst kidding!

I've been a stranger! Not on purpose I promise! I do feel a little bit better seeing that in blogdom I'm not the only one letting the ole blog slide a I forgiven? I forgive me :)
So it's been pretty crazy here in the Woo household. There was Christmas, then boxing day....then that weird holding pattern house cleaning time before New Year.
Mr Woo and I stayed in for New Year's Eve. I made not's of nice nibbles and we watched In the Loop and then I fell asleep. I guess we're getting old. Ach well. I needed my rest! I've been nursing a rather nasty sinus infection. Blech.
Am I the only one that finds it a bit difficult to get back into normality? EEK! BRB! I JUST REMEMBERED I'VE GOT YEAST PROOFING!!!!
Remember when this happened?'s happened again, but much messier. I forgot about it for longer this time. Oooops. AND THEN I ran out of flour! AND THEN a couple of people stopped by and Mr Woo came home for lunch!
Phew! I'm getting caught up now...I'd better be careful not to burn my sandwich now!

I do plan on going out for a walk while Kelsall is covered in a blanket of gorgeousness. You might have heard on the news about how the whole of the UK is covered in snow. My friend had to leave her car in the village because it wasn't possible for her to get it up the lane! The weather obsessed Brits are having a field day talking about this one! "Oh isn't this terrible" they say - Gimme a break! I just wanna get out and enjoy it! I don't know if it's because I grew up in Charleston which rarely gets snow, but I just love it! I can't wait to get bundled up and head out there!
Before I go I wanna show you a few treasures, you know how I love my treasures!

{this was my best Christmas present! thanks Mr Woo!!!!}

{these pretty dainties will be headed my way thanks to Katia of The Hen's Army!}

{this is Rufus. he is not in my life....yet...}

This treasure isn't the kind you can hold, but I found that my friend Kelly is a blogger now! Woo Hoo! She is a total gem, her words and thoughts are sure to be amongst your fave treasures too I think!

I've miss you! I'm happy to be back!!!!!!!!



  1. hi felicia thaks for posting! what about continuing your shopping on etsy? i saw you marked as favourite the angel and the forward! i wait for you before shipping out!

  2. I love your blog & Etsy shop! Thanks for stopping by mine too, you fellow crafter! :)


whatcha thinkin' love?

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