Wednesday, 29 February 2012

1 month old!

I can't believe it! My sweet little Mouse is one month old {well, she was yesterday}! How has an entire month flown by with my hardly noticing? In that time I spent 50+ hours in labor, gave birth, spent time in hospital recovering, my mom was here and went home, my hus was home and went back to work, my little one has grown out of new born sizes but is still too little for the next size up. We've had challenges and sleepless nights, but man, is she worth it. She's a living doll! The sweetest, best baby I've ever known! And remember, I've been a nanny and baby sat my way through high school and my 20s!



  1. Man! 50+ hours in labour!!! I hopeyou got a medal as well a baby! She really does look like a poppet though.

    1. it was pretty rough! but what a reward at the end!

  2. oh my i am so happy to see your beautiful baby. i have been out of the loop for a while and i was only thinking of you today. big congrates and yes she is super gorgeous! xxxx

  3. She is growing so fast! I think she has the sweetest little face topped with all that lovely dark hair :) xxx

  4. i can only agree! we must do pix before she gets too big!

  5. Yay!! new pics! I love her cute little denim dress especially... and I just can't get over it. I know I keep saying this, but every time I see her I feel like I'm seeing YOU as a baby!! She is just so cute and I can't believe that they are over a month old. Tear. Time flies too fast.

    1. isn't it ridiculously cute that dress?! one of her auntie's sent it over :)
      i don't mind hearing she looks like me one bit :D
      i feel sad too that a month has flown by. it goes too fast. i hope you're feeling better x


whatcha thinkin' love?

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