Tuesday, 10 January 2012

8 days!

That's it! 8 days til Baby Woo is due! I can not believe how quickly this time has gone. We had a crazy day yesterday. I ended up back at the hospital, everything turned out to be fine, but I've spent today resting and recovering. I'm not feeling very well. I've had a headache since last night. 
But we're both fine!!! 
 No need for worry. 
Thanks to a few youtube videos and the advice of a friend I sorted out the tension issue with my Jones sewing machine & finished a couple more changing pad covers. I figured we'd need more than one ;)

Pink Diamonds and Purple Gingham.

Blue Polka Dot & Red Gingham.

The original Pink Plaid One :)

 I'm off to bed, I didn't get much sleep last night and I need the rest because this baby could come at anytime! 

 Until tomorrow's 1 week countdown! 


  1. Getting so exciting now! Nearly here :) Have you arranged something to do on your due date to take your mind off waiting? That was a great piece of advice I was given, the wait can seriously drive you up the wall when you know it is 'THE' day. Something that can easily be cancelled though ofcourse!

  2. I'm so thankful things are ok! I'm sorry you had to go to the hospital yesterday! And yes, get lots of sleep for sure if you can!!

    I LOOOVE the changing pad covers, you did awesome. My favorite is the blue & red one!!

    It'll be next week before you know it... just think ANY minute you could have that sweet little girl!

  3. I have to go to an antenatal clinic on my due day! So annoying, but at least I won't be sitting at home waiting for contractions! My mom will be here then so maybe we'll go out for a nice lunch and MAYBE get our nails done or something! I'll have to drop some not so subtle hints!

    Thanks Courtney! that's my fave cover too, too bad it doesn't really match the nursery! Oh well, the room will change as she grows I'm sure. I can't believe she'll be here at any time!


whatcha thinkin' love?

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