Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Sneak Peek Reveal

I'm 28 weeks pregnant today!
I spent the entire morning at the hospital being a human pincushion. I had an ultrasound scan that revealed that Baby Woo has very long legs, just like her dad! I had my anti d injection, glucose tolerance test and two rounds of bloods drawn! I had to fast because of the glucose test so I finally got to eat once I'd left the hospital!  It was a long day, but it's all important! 
Can you believe 7 months has past?! I can't!
I'm keeping busy so I know the next 3 months is going to be gone in a flash! 

About the sneaky peek....

Do you remember the Sneaky Peek from last week? Check me out being a poet just then! Aaanyway! I'll refresh your memory a bit...



A vintage button monogram :)

The bits for Baby Woo's room are slowly coming together. I have more to show you but want to do one bit at a time. I started working on the crib dust ruffle/valance last night. It was the project I was most nervous about but you know what??? I've done the hardest bits now and it was so easy! I can't believe it! All that is left is for me to hem & press and it's ready! Amazing! 


  1. I had my stupid gross glucose test done today too & blood work! Yay, that part is over, now let's cross our fingers we passed the thing. I failed it with Quinn and had to do a 3 hour test. :( You sweet little girl with her daddy's long legs will be here before you know it! I just can't wait to see her!

  2. Oh man! Yes, fingers crossed that we've both passed! I was soooo exhausted after all the time at the hospital that I came straight home and went straight to sleep! I don't wanna spend another 3 hours for a second round!
    It is so fun that we're both having girls!!!! And they are gonna be here so soon! eeeeeeeeee! I think your V is gonna have a head full of dark hair!

  3. Love your button monogram! It's gorgeous! One lucky little baby girl is going to be very happy in her lovely room :)

  4. Thanks Vicky! I sure hope so!

  5. Love the monogram. It turned out wonderfully! Now I want to do a couple for my little boys' room. . .

  6. Go for it Jill! It was really fun and simple! You'll have to show us the end result! x


whatcha thinkin' love?

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