Sunday, 25 September 2011

Crafty Challenge!

My crafty pal Nikki {from Whimsy Love}has taken part in the Do Something Crafty Challenge!! Nikki is super fun & creative and her two little girls get in on the creative action too! And now she needs our vote! I mean, obviously you can vote for which ever project you like best, but Nikki's Chair Top Covers are pretty darn cute & it's nice to support our little crafty community!

Some how Nikki is currently in last place! SHOCKING! We have until September 30th to give her a boost!  Come on bloggy mates! Won't you go cheer Nikki on?! Here's the link for the contest again & the voting bit is on the right side.
So you can put a face to a craft:
Heeeere's Nikki! 
Nikki currently lives in a small town in Nebraska where she is a mommy to two super kidlets. She's also an award-winning newspaper columnist & photographer, a blogger, jumper extraordinaire, lover of thrifty & vintage & currently obsessed with knit graffiti. Take a peek into her world by visiting her blog, WhiMSy love.

Cute ain't she? :)

1 comment:

whatcha thinkin' love?

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