Saturday, 27 August 2011

Vintage Toys

Wonderful, beautiful toys. I find toys of years gone by so much more charming than the massively produced plastic rubbishy things we see today. I can remember a few toys from my childhood. My very favorite was my rubber alligator. It was something like this hideous thing! I don't remember my toy being so ugly, haha! Oh well, I loved it. One day it got washed away in the sea :(  My parents had taken me to a beach party one evening, I was playing in the water when my Alligator started floating away, I was starting to go after it when my Dad said I wasn't allowed in the water because sharks come out at night! Well, that was enough for me! I had to wave goodbye to my beloved Gator. I was approaching four years old but I've never forgotten that night!
I have been on the hunt for sweet vintage toys for Baby Woo. There are loads of sweet things out there but they are preeeetty pricey! Here are a few things I've found tonight.

How adorable are these two?!

Oh I really want a Lil Snoopy for Baby Woo! 
My other fave toy was my piano. I'm on the hunt for one just like this one for Baby Woo

Oh, I could go on forever, I just love all of these wonderful treasures! I found this great toy website that sells the modern versions of vintage toys too like the Pull-A-Tune, it's called Fat Brain Toys. I'm adding to Baby Woos Registry as we speak! This is fun!

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