Wednesday, 31 August 2011


Today is a milestone day. I am 20 weeks pregnant. Half way!
This time has absolutely flown by. I can not believe that in 5 more months it'll be time for my very own baby to arrive. I've heard that time will slow down the closer I get to the end but I'm not so sure because it will be the big celebratory time in our family. Our wedding anniversary, Christmas and then it'll be time for Baby Woo to arrive & it's also my birthday near Baby Woo's due date. Who knows, we might even share a birthday! 

In one week Mr Woo and I get to see our little person for the second time. We'll hopefully see a very healthy little one and also find out if we get to pick out pink or blue booties! We are very excited!

The day after the scan Baby Woo's Uncle Laurie will be moving to Germany. We're going to miss him loads and loads.
Some time soon my shop will be moving location too. I'm not exactly looking forward to that change but I'm sure it'll be good, luckily we're all moving together so we will all work together. 

So as you can see this is a very busy time and we have so many exciting things happening! There is so much to look forward to and cherish! 

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Vintage Toys

Wonderful, beautiful toys. I find toys of years gone by so much more charming than the massively produced plastic rubbishy things we see today. I can remember a few toys from my childhood. My very favorite was my rubber alligator. It was something like this hideous thing! I don't remember my toy being so ugly, haha! Oh well, I loved it. One day it got washed away in the sea :(  My parents had taken me to a beach party one evening, I was playing in the water when my Alligator started floating away, I was starting to go after it when my Dad said I wasn't allowed in the water because sharks come out at night! Well, that was enough for me! I had to wave goodbye to my beloved Gator. I was approaching four years old but I've never forgotten that night!
I have been on the hunt for sweet vintage toys for Baby Woo. There are loads of sweet things out there but they are preeeetty pricey! Here are a few things I've found tonight.

How adorable are these two?!

Oh I really want a Lil Snoopy for Baby Woo! 
My other fave toy was my piano. I'm on the hunt for one just like this one for Baby Woo

Oh, I could go on forever, I just love all of these wonderful treasures! I found this great toy website that sells the modern versions of vintage toys too like the Pull-A-Tune, it's called Fat Brain Toys. I'm adding to Baby Woos Registry as we speak! This is fun!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Vintage Woos

Mini Mrs Woo. Central Park...age 7. 

I always loved the animals best. I'm not sure how old I am here, 6 maybe?

Beach goof ball. 7ish. 

brand new Mrs Woo with Aunt Linda  c.1977

Easter with Auntie.

A rather small Mr Woo around age 4 or 5.

small Mr. Woo & his first set of wheels! 

Mr Woo, Guns & Roses and a poorly baby bunny. 
I am all brunette. Olive but fair complexion, dark hair, very dark brown eyes. Mr Woo on the other hand is very fair. Blond hair, green eyes, fair skin. What will Baby Woo look like?!

When I took biology in the 10th grade I learned how to predict genetic traits for eye color and stuff. But that was so long ago now I can't remember how it worked! My Dad had hazel eyes and dark brown wavy hair. My Mom has dark brown eyes and wavy hair. Mr Woo's Dad has bright blue eyes and dark curly hair. His Mum has light brown eyes and light brown straight-ish hair. Just continue the dark brown eyes, dark brown hair on my side of the family for generations back. Italian stock you see.

What are the chances of me having a blond baby with blue eyes?! I'll think they've given me the wrong kid!

Monday, 22 August 2011

Vintage Baby Clothes

A lovely lady called me this morning. I'd given her my card months ago and forgot all about it. She said she was clearing her house and had some one her own baby clothing that she wanted to get rid of, would I like to buy them for stock.
Well. Yes. Yes I would. A lot.
She stopped by with the same friend she was with when I met her before. They are both very sweet. Sue, the lady with the clothes, brought in the most adorable hand made & hand smocked things you've ever seen.
And of course, I don't have a camera that works so I can't even show you the ACTUAL dress, tunic and romper just now. They are all from the 1940s when Sue was a baby.
As I am a total sucker for vintage and anything baby at the moment I've decided to have a mooch online while I'm at the shop all day. What do you think? Which is your fave?

The romper I have has this exact same smocking! 
Bunnies! Squeee! 
From Belle Heir 

c. 1930

c. 1910

Speaking of Belle Heir you must go check out their beautiful things! Fine Vintage Clothing for babies and children. Serious swoonage.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Bargains & Plum Cake

I got a large punnet of plums at the village shop for 20p! And a loaf of bread for 20p, a sweetheart cabbage for 20p and a bag of sweet potatoes...for 20p!
I'm feeling very pleased with myself. I'm marinading some big mushrooms Asian marinade. After sharing some cabbage with the Bunnies I will probably stir fry the rest & maybe make sweet potato oven chips?

Ready to see what I'm gonna make with the plums for dessert?
*Cardamom Scented Plum Cake*

I found the recipe on the One Year From Oak Cottage blog.  I wanted to make an upside down cake but I didn't have the right ingredients and I've already been to the shop.  I'm pretty sure I've got what I need for this! And boy does it look good!
Here's the recipe if you'd like to try it too :)

Makes 1 ten inch cake

I like to use the slightly tart purple Italian plums for this, but really any plum will do. A moist and rich cake with the delicate scents of vanilla and lemon, topped with tart and juicey sliced plums all underneath the cover of a delightly fragrant and spicy stresusal topping. This is definitely what I'd call moreish!

4 ounces butter
1/3 cup golden caster sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 large egg
1 TBS sour cream
1 pinch salt
grated zest of one lemon
1 3/4 cups plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 cups plums, pitted and sliced into wedges
For the topping:
6 TBS butter
3/4 cup plain flour
1/3 cup caster sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cardomom

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/375*F. Lightly butter a 9 to 10 inch cake tin with a removeable bottom and set aside.

Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg, lemon zest, vanilla, sour cream and salt. Whisk the flour, baking powder together and then add it to the creamed mixture, mixing it in well. Spread the batter in the prepared pan.

Liberally spread the plums over top of the batter. I like to arrange them in a circular pattern, but that's just me, it's not necessary.

To make the topping whisk together the sugar, flour and spices. Rub in the butter until it is crumbly. Sprinkle it evenly over the plums.

Bake in the pre-heated oven on the middle rack for approximately 45 minutes to an hour, until the topping is nicely browned and the cake tests done. Remove from the oven and let sit for about 15 minutes, cooling on a wire rack, before removing the sides of the pan. Serve warm, cut into wedges with scoops of good quality vanilla ice cream.

****I bet it's as good as it looks!*****

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Food Obsessed.

I love food. I love eating. However, I have never been as food obsessed as I am now that I'm expecting Baby Woo. I'm sitting in my trusty chair trying to make out my to do list for today. It does include going to Tesco so I keep getting distracted by thoughts of what I can get to eat! Right now I'm desperate for a massive Greek salad! 
This one is PERFECT! No gross tomatoes!

To be honest I could probably happily just gnaw on a block of feta cheese alone. 
just hand it over and no one will get hurt.
Last night it was fish & chips soaked in vinegar. I would have probably been happy just to drink the vinegar. I love vinegar. mmmm. That's not just been a pregnancy thing either. I just love the stuff!
extra vinegar please!

I am a teeny tiny bit obsessed with pineapple too. Mmm. Pineapple....and cherries......
But nothing can compare to the mother of all of my cravings! 

THE GHERKIN! The lovely, lovely gherkin! 
I get through a jar at a time. One sad day I even drank some of the juice, well, it's actually just vinegar! I know, I know!!!! But it was good! 
I will no longer subject you to my food obsession for now. I must go get showered and ready for my day. I'm off to town to buy more gherkins ;)

Monday, 1 August 2011

Calgon....Take Me Away!

She already looks pretty happy to me!
I feel more like this guy. 
To go with my bath I will need the following:

and maybe some more ice cream.
Top Bing