Thursday, 23 September 2010

My Hanger on Fritzi Marie

Remember Kitty :)

Well Kitty is having the funnest back to back to school giveaway!

"So, dear friends, I am asking you to take fifteen minutes out of your day and gather up your loved, self defining objects and make your own hanger collage. 
This is all about you.
What do you love?
Who are you? 
Who do you want to be? 
Run with it sister-friends."
Here's Kitty's adorable hanger collage.

Wanna see mine???

Wanna see who's gonna pick the winning collage????
Go on over to Kitty's pretty blog to see the other entries!

p.s. i've got some great news to share soon!!!


  1. Thanks for following my blog! I like the hedgehog on your hanger :) When we still lived in the UK my husband brought me one home in a bucket. He'd been at the pub...

  2. omg! the poor thing! I hope you took it out of the bucket! What are men like?!
    My hus and I had a teeny African hedgehog named Poppy. She was the love of our life. Our hearts shattered when she suffered a heart attack and passed away in March. She was such a princess and suffered no fools. We've got a couple of rabbits now but my heart still belongs to Poppy x


whatcha thinkin' love?

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