Wednesday, 16 June 2010

1950s Kitchen Cupboards.

*warning! you will swoon!*

The first time I saw one of the wonderful free standing cupboards was years ago in a 100% mountain man's shack, and I do mean shack. Although it was dirty and not in the best condition I was still charmed by it's pull out enamel work top and smart little doors.
Do you know they type of cabinet I mean?


Aren't they just dreamy?

I went to my very first car boot sale last Sunday. I spotted one of these beautiful babies! It was COMPLETE & INTACT! I don't have a photo of it but this model has little lucite drawers in the front. THEY WERE ALL THERE! The cupboard itself was painted a sunny pale yellow. I figured I couldn't afford it so I didn't bother asking how much it was. My friend also saw it and asked the price. But didn't tell me until we'd left and were talking about what we'd seen. It was going for £40. FORTY POUNDS! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! 
So since Sunday I've been thinking about getting my rear back to that car boot sale to snap that treasure up...but what if it's gone?! This is my angst. I don't reeeeeeally have room left in our little flat for such a large piece of furniture, BUT, I am opening a stall {it's called Secondhand Rose!} in an antique mall in August! It's perfect for display! Oh me, oh my. 
Fingers & toes & eyes & arms & legs crossed! I'm begging my pal to take me back by the CB Sale on Sunday.
Watch this space!


  1. you absolutely HAVE to go back and get it!! My 95 year old neighbour has one and I do eye it up enviously.

  2. Looks amazing!!!! /I look forward to your feedback /thanks for this man it was very helpful.

    Kitchen Cupboards

  3. Thanks so much Yashila! I'm so pleased you got some info and a little dose of wonderful 1950s charm!

    You guys...sad to report when I went back to the car boot sale the cabinet wasn't there :(
    I've been back a few times and nada. Serious bummer.
    One day I will have a beautiful cupboard I just know it. x

  4. Hi there, awesome site. I thought the topics you posted on were very interesting. I tried to add your RSS to my feed reader and it a few. take a look at it, hopefully I can add you and follow.

  5. do these have a name besides cupboard? i just cleaned out my nana's house and took one home! i luv luv it! it needs some paint and it really hasnt seen the light in a long time. i've been trying to figure out what its called. and ur site is the frist time ive come across something close......sarah

  6. Hiya Sarah! The only other names I've heard them called is Free Standing Kitchen Unit, or free standing cupboard or cabinet. There are some 50s kitchen units for sale at Becniks Emporium that I'm eying up. If I ever get my own home I might have to have to hunt down some units or something made like them! Oh a girl can dream!

  7. I am from Indiana and the first one is what is called a Hoosier cabinet. They are sought after here and are approximately $1,000 for a really good one. Some have the flour sifter in one side and some had a tambour front on them and they slid sideways to open = not up and down like a rolltop desk. Love them dearly.


whatcha thinkin' love?

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