Sunday, 16 May 2010

How Kitty Is Dealing With Being Down In The Dumps

Hey friends! I wanted to share this blog post by my sweet friend Kitty over at Fritzi Marie. She is such a special lady I wanted you to get the chance to know her!

Dear Friends,
I have down in the dumps for a while now.
I don't like to talk about it on my blog because it is my happy place.
But, I thought I'd share one of the things I am doing to help with my depression. 
This is the from the guest post I did on Post Grad Hair Cut yesterday.

 When I am feeling down my favorite thing to do to perk myself up is to make a care package for a friend. 
My goal is to put all of my energy into that friend and making "happy mail" that will make her day. 
The most important thing to remember when making a care package is to never expect anything in return.
A true care package (one that helps you heal) is a gift of love.  

 Here are my tips for making a lovely care package.  

-Pick yourself up and decide who you want to make feel special.  
-Get out of your house and go somewhere local to pick up a gift.  
(The town I live in has a chocolate factory so I like to go and pick up some bumble bee chocolates).  
-Next go to your local shop (I go to Target) pick up a treat (for you to sip on) and shop with your friend in mind.              
(Remember: this act of love is not about spending a lot of money, it is about sending happy thoughts out into the world).
 -Now take yourself home and put on your comfies, put a pretty movie on, and spread out all of your goodies and take a good look at them. 
-This is the fun part.  Start personalizing your pretties.  Grab some treasure (I have a vintage shop and I go to estate sales every Friday to find items for my shop, my home, and my friends).   
-Then get out all of your packing supplies and stationary and get to making everything look like a million bucks.  It's all about presentation.  
-Write a sweet note, it will make your heart happy.  
-Lastly, go to the Post Office and send that package full of happy feelings out into the world.  I promise you will feel like a superstar.  

I'm up to my ears in Care Package Goodness over here. 
So here's the deal, tell me about a care package you received and how it made you feel and the winner will get some Fritzi Marie surprise mail. 

Horray for friends and Happy Mail.  


I thought we could shower Kitty with some love & encouragement! I can tell you first hand how wonderful Kitty's care packages are, she sent one to me when Poppy died. It went a long way to cheer me up. Now I'd love to see her be on the receiving end!
I've got Kitty's email and mailing addresses so all ya have to do is ask. Please send Kitty some wishes for happiness and hope!
So how 'bout it?
  1. An email to brighten her day? 
  2. Leave an encouraging comment on her blog
  3. How about pulling out all the stops and sending a care package using Kitty's instructions about how to make a lovely care package?

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry you are feeling down. I think you are the best at helping other people. You helped me so much Thank you. I don't know what I can do to help you.



whatcha thinkin' love?

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