Monday, 29 March 2010

with a heavy heart...

The evening after I posted my blog entry, last Thursday, our beautiful Poppy passed away very suddenly. She had been suffering from what the vet believed was a tummy bug, her last week was full of antibiotics and cuddles.
She had been on the mend. But on Thursday night her little body gave out without any warning.
We are utterly heart broken.
We laid her to rest under a large oak tree yesterday. The Kelsall Plant Nursery is giving me a very special mix of poppy seeds which I will be planting under Poppy's tree as well as scattering all over the village so that bright joyful flowers pop up everywhere.
She came into our family in my arms and left the same way. She was wrapped in my hoodie, one of her favorite places to be. It wasn't possible for us to have loved her any more. We absolutely adored that little pig. She gave us nearly 2 years of joy and love and laughter, so much laughter. It is her second birthday tomorrow.
Each day is a little easier.

I had no idea it would be so painful to lose a pet, she was more my furry-spiky baby than a pet, I miss her terribly.
As I've shared stories about Poppy and now Daisy here I wanted to share this with you as well.

mummy's girl.

so content in her Da's arms.
the day she came home with us x

Mummy & Da love you so much Baby Girl. You stole our hearts.


  1. so sorry to hear that you've lost a little loved one . . . it's always hard. I love thidea of the poppy seeds. Long may they flower.

  2. Ohh... :( I'm so very sorry. What a sweet thing she was. :(

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that Felicia. :( Losing a little furry loved one is never easy and I know you loved her so much.

  4. Dear Felicia,

    I am so sorry. Poppy was a beautiful little creature and no one can make it better. This sounds silly but if you need anything please let me know. I would be lost if anything happened to my Bono Baby and I just want to express how sorry I am to hear about Poppy. I hope you are okay. I love that you are going to plant poppies.

    hugs hugs and more hugs,
    Fritzi Marie


whatcha thinkin' love?

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