Thursday, 10 September 2009

I'm a wreck but I have redeeming qualities...

I've had a kinda rough week. After nearly two years I had my Implanon removed. I have been a bit of a mess as my body has been struggling to readjust to being without extra hormones.
I've been crying, eating lots of brownies and feeling very sorry for myself.

listening to Michael Trent, his lovely bride & Shovels & Rope
drinking cups of tea, lots.
eating anything chocolaty and salty.

I'm starting to feel a bit more like me. It won't be long now.

I missed the template on Tuesday so here is a tiny one x


  1. Oh, you poor thing having a rough week! I'm glad you're starting to feel more like yourself again. I'll have a cuppa for you. :)

  2. That stinks about feeling all crazy! Brownies are truly the best medicine, so I'm sure you'll rebound quickly!! ;)

  3. :( Sorry you haven't been feeling yourself. Hope you're starting to feel better now. Also, thanks for Rob's rave review on my blog. Made us both smile :)


whatcha thinkin' love?

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