Sunday, 30 August 2009

i heart vintage.

the best.

some of my red vintage buttons.

my fave disney film.

"the perfect knitting needles!"

if you see this book i must have it! i must also have matching place mats and apron like blondie here!


  1. Go to
    if you know anybody in the US who could send it on for you.

    Or has a link to an item on ebay

    And if you love vintage, go check out (which also happens to have the book in question.) Love vintage too, so can I just say that if you do get you hands on a copy PLEASE let me have a sneaky peek!

  2. HOLY MOLY Vixanne! I never thought I'd actually see this book in real life!!! You're such a star! Thanks so much! I am making plans now to get my grubby mitts on that booklet from the first link!


whatcha thinkin' love?

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