Tuesday, 30 October 2012

9 Months!

 Just look at those cheeks in that hat! It's officially cold. 9 months ago it was also cold, much colder actually. Baltic cold. But this tiny lady brought the warmth of joy into the late January frost. She's brought more and more joy as each day, week and month passes. 
She has developed a very funny sense of humor. She loves to make us laugh and loves to laugh herself.

Matilda still only has the 2 teeth on the bottom, but is still teething sadly :(

Only having two teeth does nothing to slow her down when it comes to eating anything and everything. She LOVES vegetables, especially peas. I gave her a bowl of broccoli, green beans and peas. The broccoli went straight on the floor. The green beans were chewed and then went on the floor. Every last pea was eaten very carefully.
 She's eying up my salad box in this photo...I love it when she puts her hand on my arm like that. She's so sweet.
 Matilda hasn't been very well lately. It started with ear trouble. We were given two different antibiotics which really upset her stomach and caused vomiting. She developed a burn from the loose BMs and has been having steroid cream on her bum for that. It's taken almost 2 weeks for her tummy to get back to almost normal.
 Even through all of that she hasn't lost her happiness. People always remark on what a happy baby she is. Here she is modelling her first winter coat, it has leopard print lining of course!
 We're sort of all over the place with naps....some days she takes her morning nap and two afternoon naps, some days only one long afternoon nap....some days she won't nap at all!
 She's a growing & changing girly! I can't believe how grown up she seems already!
Here is her signature nose crinkle. It melts her Daddy's heart every time!
She is so much fun, I am so very thankful, even on the days that I'm struggling, for such a good baby girl. 
As the days grow shorter and shorter we're snuggling down for the quickly approaching winter.
The cold short days also mean that it's now only WEEKS until we board a plane to Charleston instead of months! I can not wait to introduce my sweet Mouse to the rest of my family and friends. Get ready!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Rough Day

I'm having one of those days. I'm feeling harassed and unappreciated. 
I guess we shouldn't expect to be appreciated as a stay at home mother. I don't expect Matilda to say "gee thanks Mummy!" but for the dishwasher to be emptied on occasion, the tub to be rinsed out even once, the vacuuming to be done from time to time or even the trash to be taken out without me having to ask WOULD BE HEAVEN!

I'm feeling very frustrated with this mess we call home. I never, ever get to stop. Matilda hasn't been very well lately so I have to change her diaper as soon as I think she's wet. She is in a phase where she tries to get away when I try to change her so I have to wrestle her to clean her up with cotton and water and rub a steroid cream into her bottom.
She's been waking in the middle of the night with tummy aches, or teething pain. 
I'm exhausted. 
I need help! 
 I've asked for help in every way I can think of. It doesn't seem to get me anywhere. 

I am not a clean freak by any stretch of the imagination, but I like for things to be tidy, things haven't been tidy, let alone clean since my Mom left when Matilda was a week old. 
 According to Ledger.com "A stay-at-home mother is a housekeeper, a cook, a day-care center teacher, a facilities manager, a computer operator I, a van driver, a janitor, a psychologist, a laundry machine operator, a chief executive officer, a staff nurse, an event planner, a nutritionist, a logistics analyst, an interior designer, a bookkeeper, an administrative assistant, a plumber, a general maintenance worker and a groundskeeper. According to Salary.com, stay-at-home mothers work 94.7 hours per week."

It's no wonder that by night time, after the 1st time I've put Matilda to bed, I just can't face doing anything but sitting down.

Sorry friends, I'm just having a rough day.

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